Elder and Sister Holbrook have invited church members to provide treats for the workers at the Hartford Connecticut Temple construction site. 

As Elder Holbrook explains:  “Treats and attached personal notes help the workers to feel recognition for what they are building when they come to work on the temple each day, something they don’t experience in their normal working environment.  The treats convey a spirit of love and appreciation from members whom the workers will probably never meet face-to-face.”

The Holbrooks’ goal is to be able to provide treats for the workers once a week, but they would be happy to do it more often if there is a lot of interest.    


1.      Call Elder and Sister Holbrook at 801.647.8161.

2.     Sign up for a time when you’d like to bring treats.  The Holbrooks will tell you at the time of your call how many treats are needed, since the number of workers at the site varies.

3.     Prepare treats.  Treats should be wrapped individually or put into plastic sandwich bags so they can be easily passed out to the workers.  Personal notes can be attached to the treats; the Holbrooks report that the workers really value these.  A word of thanks, hand drawn pictures, any effort to show appreciation is welcome.

4.     On your chosen day, deliver treats to the Holbrooks at the temple site.



·        The Holbrooks are at the temple site from 9-5 pm, Monday to Friday, but they would be happy to arrange a time for you to drop off treats in off hours if needed.

·        Treats for a particular week may be provided by individuals, families, or ward auxiliary groups (i.e., Young Men or Young Women classes, Primary groups, etc.)

·        A person or group may elect to provide treats just once during the time the temple is being constructed, but they are welcome to sign up more often if they choose!